Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Post #7 Deadlines

It can be very easy to forget a deadline in school. For example, I forgot to write a blog post over the long veterans weekend. Sometimes I give myself the short end of the stick, and wait to do my homework till Sunday night. I had even wrote down the due date for the post in three different places, but the excitement of the weekend had distracted me. I could have written and posted it for late points. Some points are always better than none. There is just one little problem; I am extremely lazy.
Image result for deadline memeI feel that missing one assignment every once in while is not that big of a deal, you have to give yourself a little wiggle room. Prioritization is a very important skill, but can be difficult to maintain. I always try to do my most important or difficult work first to overcome the inevitable void of deadlines.

It seems that in the grand scheme of it all, is that every point counts. It is very important to try and finish the workload before the deadline. Deadlines are created to help both the students and the teacher. For the students, having a deadline makes it easier for the student to manage the time that they have. Although for the teacher, they use deadlines to collect all the work that they need to grade.

Just like they always say “A paper is never finished, it's only due.”

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Post #5 Place

Growing up, I always had so much fun the nights my sister and I got to spend the night at grandma’s house. Her house was always filled with movies, candy, and internet access that you didn't have to dial up. All of these things were great, however, my favorite thing about grandma’s house was the playhouse in the backyard. It was built in double decker shed. On the bottom is where my grandpa kept his lawn mower and other tools. The top section of this five foot by five foot shed, held the home of my young imagination.

There was a long wooden ramp with rope handrails that led up to the a tiny balcony and door on the white playhouse. Inside the house was a two foot tall kitchen set: equipped with a refrigerator filled with plastic groceries. In the corner is where we kept a small wooden table and two small wooden chairs that were often occupied by a stuffed animal. My sister and I always fought over who got to sit in the over-sized bean bag chair that looked like a strawberry. My sister and I kept all over our treasures safe in the playhouse. Our treasures included the sacred magic 8 ball and our CD player.

I had the greatest time when my cousin Nikki would also be at grandma's house, so we all could play in the playhouse together. We played everything from restaurant to mermaids in that playhouse. The playhouse was in the far corner of the backyard right next to the neighbors fence. Every once and awhile the neighbors children would be playing outside and we would comverse over the fence. Looking back at it now, I feel bad at how much we lied to the girls across the fence. These girls were a few years younger than me and my cousin, which mad the very gullible to what we were saying. We made fake cell phones and would pretend to get calls from our best friend Britney Spears or our boyfriends the Jonas brothers, and rush into the playhouse to take the call. The girls believed everything we told them and begged us to bring them to concerts with us.

Sadly the playhouse was outgrown and eventually turned into a home for my grandma's patio furniture. I will forever have memories of the fun I had in that shed. As a child you never really have anything to yourself, and for me and my sister that playhouse was a place that was just for us and our imagination.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Post #3 Time

Humans are only a tiny blimp on the universe's radar. Time is a mathematical concept made by man to better understand the universe. We use time to put events in our life in a sequence. We look at time in a linear sense, because our brains simply cannot grasp the fact that the universe moves in all directions for infinity.Time can be used for communication purposes. For example,  When you are going to meet up with a friend for lunch. You don't just show up whenever you feel like it and hope that your friends is also there. You pick a set time to go to the restaurant.

Image result for time is not realAlthough man has created time, we never seem to have enough time. We are always rushing the clock to make it through traffic on our way to work, or to upload a blog post by midnight. We let time control almost every aspect of our life. I find that time can inflict fear, and anxiety on the human species. Time controls our lives whether we want it to or not. Other animals and insects don't even think about the concept for time, they tend to focus on their survival instincts. I'm sure my dog does not worry about what day of the week it is, or whether on not the new ‘Grey's Anatomy’ episode premieres tonight.  

Daylight saving times is just one example on why time is fake. The use of sunlight makes it easier for our brains to grasp a sense of time. If we can just alter the clocks twice a year, proves that time is not perpetual. Time is only a figment of our imaginations, and has never actually been seen; it is not real like you and me. In spite of the fact that time is fake, we cannot ignore time. If I chose to ignore time, I mostly likely could not hold a job, or obtain a college degree. We only spend a short amount of ‘time’ when here on earth. We need to manage our time that we have and make the best out of our life.You might be surprised on how little time you actually have left.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Post #2 Music

Ever since I can remember I have always a been a big fan of music .I feel that music can often be a creative outlet for many people including myself.  Except for the church choir and the occasional rock band game. I have never found an interest in creating music. Rather, i find happiness in listening to music. Whether it is a feel good song today drive to or a sad song to relate to. I believe music affects people in many different ways. To me, music is more than just something to listen to or play, it’s something to feel.  It may not even be the music at all, but the lyrics that we can take away from a song. People that struggle with addiction or depression can turn to music to find inspiration and hope

When i spent time traveling in Amsterdam, we visited an old gothic styled cathedral. We were lucky enough to attend an organ concert in the church. The organ was by far the biggest one i have ever seen.; There were over 300 pipes in the hand made organ. When the performer began to play I could not believe the magnificent music that came out.  To this day. that has been my favorite musical performance I have ever seen live. My second favorite live performance was in January 2016 I had a ticket for G-eazy and ASAP Ferg in Boise Idaho. I could see the detail on the artist face because I was only 30 feet from the stage. It was a surreal feeling seeing them in real life and not just a picture on the Internet.  Now because I had a general admission floor ticket, I found myself in a swarm of people with not even a centimeter between me and the people next to me. I had to be aggressive and assertive just to stay standing where I was, let alone get closer to the stage.  

Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying that ”gangsta rap made me do it”  but it definitely took it's toll on me

Monday, August 29, 2016

Post #1 About Me

Hello, my name is Shannon Weller. I often come across as an extremely bashful person. More often than not I seem to keep my thoughts to myself. I hope that this semester I might be able to step out of my comfort zone and try something new. Currently I attend Helena College for my general studies, hoping to transfer to a four year college in Oregon. I have been in Helena for as long as I can remember. I was born in Wenatchee, Washington, but moved when I was only a few months old. In my spare time I like to spend as much time outside as I can, no matter the season. Some of my favorite activities are snowboarding, hiking, swimming, and long boarding. I find that being outside is good way to relieve stress and to just have some fun. I also really enjoy drawing, listening to music and spending time with my dog Louie. I'm very good at multitasking I can eat food, watch netflix, and look at internet memes all at the same time. During June of 2015 my family and I traveled through Europe for 23 days with a Rick Steves tour. There is so much beautiful art, history and architecture  in Europe. I visited the Anne Frank house, the Coliseum and I even got stung by a jellyfish in Italy. After my trip I realized that  I want to travel as much as possible as I can in life, because there is so much out there to see, and I don’t want to stay in one place and miss out. If you would like to see a little more about my trip you can read all about it on my other blog. http://shannonw1771.wixsite.com/best-of-europe